Futurepoem books

There are presently no open calls for submissions.


Futurepoem books is a New York City-based non-profit publishing collaborative dedicated to presenting innovative works of contemporary poetry and prose by both emerging and important underrepresented writers. We offer two yearly opportunities for publication. Subscribe to our email list for more info about upcoming submission opportunities, or check back with this site.


Each year, we invite a rotating panel of distinguished guest editors to read and select two new books for publication. Futurepoem welcomes unpublished, full-length manuscripts of poetry, prose, and multi-genre work that challenge and expand on the potential for poetic form, language, and process. Work by underrepresented and emerging writers is especially welcome. Our open reading period opens for submissions each winter. Our 2024 guest editors were Charles Theonia, Uljana Wolf, and Elisa Biagini. 


The Other Futures Award is given annually to an innovative, adventurous full-length work that challenges conventions of genre and language, content and form. We are interested in writing that imagines new lived or literary possibilities, and questions established paradigms. The winner will receive publication with Futurepoem and an honorarium of $1000. The 2024 Other Futures Award was open July 15 – August 15 for submissions. Here is this year's call for submissions:


The Other Futures Award is given annually to an innovative, adventurous full-length work that challenges conventions of genre and language, content and form. Send us writing that imagines new lived or literary possibilities, and questions established paradigms.

The winner will receive publication with Futurepoem, an honorarium of $1000, a standard royalty contract, and 25 author copies. We will announce our decision in late 2024. The winning book will be published in 2026.

  • PROCESS: All submissions are read by at least two Futurepoem staff readers, who then recommend a limited group of manuscripts to the permanent editors. The winning manuscript is selected by Futurepoem's permanent editorial staff. Our process is identity-hidden, so please be sure that the author's name does not appear anywhere in the manuscript.
  • ELIGIBILITY: We welcome submissions by writers at any stage of their career. Manuscripts must be unpublished book-length works of prose, poetry, or multi-genre work. And though we are open to books with visuals, we have a limited capacity to support image-based projects. We publish poetry, first and foremost, and heavily image-based projects will be better served by a different publisher. Previously published poems or chapbooks may be included, but the manuscript as a whole must be unpublished. Writers who are not U.S. citizens are welcome to send work. Past or present students, colleagues, or close friends of Futurepoem editors are not eligible to submit.
  • TRANSLATIONS: We do not publish translations of works originally written in languages other than English. However, previously unpublished texts that engage bilingual or multilingual practices are welcome.
  • SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: We accept simultaneous submissions. Please notify Futurepoem as soon as possible if your book is accepted elsewhere.
  • MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: We accept multiple submissions from the same author. Each manuscript should be submitted separately including a separate entry fee.
  • FORMAT: Suggested length is 50 to 150 pages, though manuscripts may be slightly shorter or longer. The Other Futures Award is an anonymized contest. Please include a title page with title only, and a table of contents. The author’s name should NOT appear anywhere in the manuscript.
  • REVISIONS: While we are not able to accept revisions during the reading period, the winner will be able to revise their manuscript before publication.
  • HOW TO SUBMIT: Please submit online using our Submittable page (futurepoem.submittable.com/submit). We cannot accept hardcopy or emailed submissions. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our catalog before you submit.
  • ENTRY FEE: $28. We also offer need-based reduced fees of $18 and $9; please select the fee that is most appropriate for you. You can also choose to partially sponsor someone else’s submission for $35. A fee waiver is available for anyone who may need it — if the lowest fee represents a hardship for you, please email ahana@futurepoem.com with subject line: 2024 OFA Fee Waiver.
  • DEADLINE: August 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. The submission period begins on July 15, 2024.

We commit to following the CLMP Contest Code of Ethics.

Futurepoem books